viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Emoliente, a powerful drink for any weather and a Peruvian tradition

Text: Espanol - English.
El Emoliente: Es una bebida tradicional del Perú, considerada medicinal, que se prepara a base de yerbas. Su consumo es muy popular y se remonta a la época de la colonia española.

El emoliente pudo originarse en la costumbre que tenían los incas, de curar sus dolencias con infusiones de raíces, tallos y flores. Pero fue con la llegada de los españoles,que se incorporaron nuevos ingredientes como la cebada,que es uno de los principales del emoliente.

Su preparación se basa en granos tostados de cebada y extracto de plantas medicinales como la cola de caballo, linaza (semillas de una variedad de lino), alfalfa, llantén, boldo, jugo de limón y azúcar.

El emoliente es considerado una bebida diurética que ayuda en los problemas urinarios, respiratorios y combate el estreñimiento.
Es una bebida medicinal, por las propiedades que tienen sus ingredientes, aunque muchas personas la toman simplemente por su rico sabor.
Existen emolientes que se preparan especialmente para ayudar a curar determinadas dolencias, como el que lleva la planta chancapiedra y ayuda en el tratamiento de las ulceras, el que contiene uña de gato para reforzar el sistema inmunológico, el que tiene alfalfa para la anemia, y el que incluye maca para incrementar el vigor sexual.
El emoliente se toma bien caliente para combatir el frio, temprano en la mañana como desayuno, o al caer la tarde y durante la noche. Se consume durante todo el año, pero en los meses de invierno aumenta la demanda. Durante el verano se toma frio o helado.
A los que venden emoliente se los llama emolienteros. Es común verlos con sus carretillas en las esquinas de las calles más transitadas, siendo los trabajadores, obreros y estudiantes sus principales clientes.
En tiempos recientes es costumbre que el emolientero también venda a la hora del desayuno, leche de soya y bebidas de quinua y maca, que son muy populares.
El emoliente y el emolientero son parte de la tradición peruana. En los últimos tiempos han aparecido empresas que venden el emoliente embotellado, o en bolsas que contienen todos los ingredientes listos para hervirlos en agua. Pero lo más común y tradicional en las ciudades del Perú sigue siendo consumirlo de los emolienteros callejeros.

Emoliente, is a traditionally Peruvian beverage served hot and   prepared with a base of herbs that usually include barley, dried horse tail, flax seed, plantain leaf and alfalfa sprouts. While many people today drink it simply for its warmth, it was originally used as a medicinal remedy. 
Not only is it known as a diuretic, but it also aids digestive, respiratory and even reproductive function.
The original formula used by street vendors in Colonial times has remained much the same today.  Though the concept of drinks prepared with barley goes back hundreds – if not thousands – of years, it didn’t come to Peru until a few hundred years ago, by way of Europe.  
In 18th century Spain, these barley-based drinks – often flavored with cinnamon and lemon zest – were popular for their economical and refreshing nature.
It is believed that the concept later came to Peru  and it quickly gained popularity because of its healing properties.
Very soon the streets of Lima, where the drink became especially popular, were full of emoliente vendors. By 1927, with the cooperation of the Japanese community in the capital, the first society of “emolienteros,” or emoliente vendors, was formed, according to El Comercio.  

To those who sell “emollientes” are called “emolienteros”. It is common to see their small ”carretillas”  in the corners of the busiest streets, where workers, peasants and students their main customers are.  Also It is very common  to sell  “emoliente” very early in the morning for breakfast time,  but also  at night for a good digestive  process.

The emollient and emolientero are part of the tradition of Peru.

In recent times have appeared companies that sell the emollient bottling, or in bags containing all the ingredients ready to boil them in water. But the most common and traditional in the cities of Peru remains the “emolientero” that you will find in some corner of the streets.
Today, the drink has taken on many other forms. It is also sold cold and even with alcohol. It can still be found on street vendor carts, but also in cafés and in grocery stores.

Fuente: El Comercio. Tradiciones Peru.

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

INKA TRAIL is one of the 49 Journeys That'll change your life!

 Inca Trail, Peru

SMT: Foot

The groundwork for South America’s legendary cloud-forest, Andes-hugging, thin-air trek to Machu Picchu was laid over 500 years ago.
And the payoff at the end of your four-day, 43-kilometer hike -- gazing upon the legendary “Lost City of the Incas” with your own eyes -- remains as life-enhancing today as it was for pre-Columbian royalty.

More about article :

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

PTM 2013

PTM 2013 is the biggest travel mart  with record numbers of tourism professionals and Peru industry partners, organized by PromPeru in partnership with CANATUR (Peru′s Tourism Chamber) 

It is the official meeting point for travel industry professionals with an interest in Peru. 

This year travel professionals also had the opportunity to experience Peru for themselves with special discounted pre and post tours on offer to bring some of the exciting new products and experiences to life.
“Peru Travel Mart every year is the perfect opportunity to inspire and educate tourism professions from around the world. There will be plenty to learn and experience, and the pre and post tours are invaluable, allowing operators to see and experience firsthand some of the new developments from the region,”   said Ms Rosana
Guinea, PromPeru’s coordinator for the Asia-Pacific.

Giardino Tour Operator was happy to shared information and our new products; focusing in sustainability work in hand with our environment care activities with all  visitors and partners. 

Wishing you all the best and a successful way of achievements, we hope to see you very soon in our lovely country!

Thanks a lot!


sábado, 1 de junio de 2013


Maca (Lepidium meyenii)

Maca is something of a unique, wonder crop. The only cruciferae known to have been domesticated in the Americas, it is found only in Peru, growing at altitudes over 4,000 meters, where no other crop gives reliable yields.
It is extremely hardy and thrives in this inhospitable environment, which is characterized by regular frosts and mean monthly maximum temperatures under 12 degrees C during the growing season.
The maca root varies widely in color from yellow and whitish red to black. It has long held a reputation among local people for its miracle properties.
 It is credited with energizing mind and body, reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, balancing hormone levels, increasinglibido and sexual stamina, enhancing fertility in men, and helping to mitigate the negative effects of menopause in women.
Experiments have also found maca to contain glucosinolates, substances that prevent the development of cancerous cells.

An interesting fact about maca is that even though it has been cultivated outside of the Andes (in greenhouses or in warm climates), some data shows that these cultivations do not develop the same constituents as the Andean Maca.
Traditionally the root is boiled, and then mixed with fruit juice and milk to make a thick broth. The fermented juice is also sometimes mixed with other liquors or used in desserts.
Since initial scientific studies began to prove the veracity of maca’s almost mythical power, the crop has experienced a commercial boom. The root is processed to make flour for bread and biscuits, dried powder, and gelatinized capsules. 
Much of this is organic. Export volume reached over 700,000 kilograms in 2010, and brought in revenues of over US$6 million.

Fuente: International Potato center; Agricultural research for development:

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013


Do you like to hear rock and pop, Blues, Jazz, latino …?  Are you ready for something new than the usual?
Gian Marco is a successful songwriter from Peru and has won awards such as the Latin Grammy and others; a “Star” in the Latin American music business.
He published this year its eleventh studio album called "Dias Nuevos" (Eng. Last Days) with great successful .  But GianMarco is not only a singer and songwriter of his own music, he also  writes music for other artists as well such as Gloria Estefan and Marc Anthony.
GianMarco keeps working with great dedication as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Peru. In 2007, he gave a great benefit concert to support the victims of the devastating earthquake in Peru.
Gianmarco is a happy peruvian; he loves the traditional food and music with its originality and the typical instruments like the charango, a small stringed instrument that resembles a small guitar. 

   Here a litlle bit of his great talent! This song was 
   dedicated to PERU!

  Which is your favorite song and have you  the
  chance to experience Gianmarco live? Write to us!

martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Tourism Award Colca 2012

Tourism Award Colca 2012

La Autoridad Autónoma del Colca (AUTOCOLCA), ha realizado una ceremonia  el día 4 de enero en el auditorio del Museo Municipal  “PREMIOS TURISMO COLCA 2012".
En este acto se ha hecho un reconocimiento en la categoría de "Agencia de Viajes y Tour Operadores"  a GIARDINO TOURSpor impulsar  el TURISMO RESPONSABLE EN EL VALLE DEL COLCA.

 Premio plasmado en un plato recordatorio.

The authority of COLCA (AUTOCOLCA), performed a ceremony on January 4 in the City Hall Auditorium ' and has given recognition in the category of "Travel agency and Tour operators" To GIARDINO TOUR OPERATOR , for its work at "Responsible tourism" in the COLCA Valley. 

A beautiful dish was given as the award.